Dam construction, its advantages and disadvantages

Document Type : Original Article


Bachelor of Science and Environmental Engineering, Payam Noor University, Oz Center


Dam construction or dam construction is one of the engineering activities that the specific historical and geographical conditions of the regions play a significant role in its origin, formation and expansion. In the past, in each specific geographical area, according to the necessity or need of the residents there, they have taken measures to create dams, dams or reservoirs to meet their needs in the field of irrigation and water supply. In some areas, due to the low water level of the rivers or the need to change the course of the river, dams were built so that they could raise the water level and use it for agricultural and construction needs. In Iran, due to the lack of water, special climatic conditions and daily needs, water was considered a very valuable material, which, in addition to the construction of dams, dams, and the remaining works, can be seen in the Iranian culture and the value of water. They were saying and the historical memory of the Iranian people was clearly observed and studied. In the lands of Iran and Egypt, which have been exposed to floods and river floods since ancient times, the construction of different dams along the river course or flood-prone areas helped a lot to prevent the damage caused by such floods. to remove the construction and settlement fields and its effects and evidences can also be seen in different parts of Iran. Tang Ab dam in Gerash city, Fars province of Iran, which is located in a gorge with the same name in the southwest direction of Gerash, located in the black mountain, under a peak called "bon-e-morok" and belongs to the Sassanid period, which in the period Safavid has been rebuilt and three backstops have been built to prevent its destruction. The materials used in the dam and its back are stone and sorghum, and the aquifer is of the same type, to irrigate the fields. It stretches from the side of the dam to a plain called Dasht-e-bara, which is also built on the way of this stream to the mouths of two Saroji ponds. Right now, behind this dam, it is completely covered with sediment and the trees on the side can be seen on it. This building has been registered in the list of national monuments of Iran since summer (1380).
